The House System, introduced in September 2021, consists of four ‘Houses’ or 'pillars' within the school, named Cu Chulainn, Na Fianna, Grainne Mhaol and Tir na Nog. As soon as a student begins their first year, they become a member of one of the four houses and will remain in this house with other house members (students from each year group) throughout their school career. The house system focuses on wellbeing and belonging, building school identity, developing student leadership skills, and providing an extended family within the school community. The houses meet monthly and partake in learning experiences based on the indicators of wellbeing, they also compete throughout the year for various inter-house competitions.
Each House has a Dean leading the group and two senior students elected as House Captains who play a vital role in organizing events and liaising with the students in their house. Every house has its own identity with its own name, crest, motto and colour.
Some of the Whole school events/activities taking place during the year include;
- Fun 5K Walk/Run
- Whole School Quiz
- Halloween Fancy Dress/Pumpkin Carving
- SORA Reading App
- Art Competition
- Photography competition
- Sports Day
- Variety Show
There are also Class Competitions and Year Group Competitions. Teachers also reward students with House Tokens for showing initiative and for acts of kindness. Every day students can earn valuable house points for punctuality, correct uniform and good behaviour. At the end of the year the House with the greatest number of points wins the title, the cup and the prize money, to be spent on a whole House fun activity.